Como para ponerse al día luego de ausencias de tests...
En Dr. House yo sería...
Which House MD Character Are You? (pics) | |
![]() ![]() Cameron You're Cameron! You're full of genuine sweetness and compassion, complete sincerity and love for people that is unusually profound and selfless. And even in times where the ethics are gray and no clear path is marked, you manage to find the road that is the kindest and least hurtful to others, despite this life often being hard on yourself. | |
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Sería una mina... ¡¡Cameron!!
Y en Lost...
Which LOST character are you? | |
![]() ![]() Charlie You are Charlie You are an ex-rocker trying to kick a drug habit. While on the island you have met a very nice girl Claire. | |
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Charlie, el rocker falopero...
Mas tests en breve...
[Escuchando: Pez - " Bettie al desierto "]
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